BavariaShock Wiki


Christlich-bayerische Union – CBU (Christian-Bavarian-Union)

wants to change nothing in Bavaria because it's Paradise. The city must remain the way it is. Everybody who thinks differently is a Prussian and an enemy of Ludwig II. So vote CBU and you will get a premium of 1000 Gulden!

Schoas-Preißn-Partei – SPP (Fucking-Prussia-Party)

approves death penalty for Prussians and wants to augment it. The violence in Bavaria can only stopped by killing off systematicly all traitors. One has to clean the whole remaining world through military force, too – including the Bavaria on the ground. Only in this way Bavaria will survive.

Bauern-Partei – BP (Farmer-Party)

supports incest and sodomy. Families, which are damaged through inbreeding, have to become financing provided. In all schools boys must do lad service until to age 15. In addition the city must privilege farmers.

Bayrisch-Patriotische-Partei-Bavarias – BPPB (Bavarian-Patriotic Party of Bavaria)

takes the opinion that Bavaria is only a transitional form until our loved Bavaria on the ground is free of Prussianism. The increasing of violence is a sign that our city will collapse next time and because of that we have to go back to Bavaria as fast as possible - before it is too late.

Besoffene-Bayern-Partei – BBP (Drunken Bavarian-Party)

advocates an unconditional alcohol income for every Bavarian. It's unacceptable that only the rich afford Magic Beer. Every citizen must be entitled to be drunken.

The next council is at 1st January 1908.


Person: My king, I have come to save you.

King: Oh no! No no no no NO !!! You never should have come here...


Person: Holy shit !!! What's going on here?

King: The bombs exploded because you triggered the mechanism next to the door. The whole shopping center is falling.... and we are going to die.

Person: No, i will save us.... follow me!


Person1: Weissenbeck! I'm nearby. Jump over when i reach you!

Person2: Thank god! One can rely on you, Lutz.

Person1: Jump over! The shopping center will dash to the Chiemsee at any moment.


You must barricade the doors! The CBU-soldiers will be here soon. Meantime I will repair the gondola lift.


Person1: Michael !!!

Person2: No! You must escape the city! Save our king!

Person1: But...

Person2: GO AWAY NOW !!!!


This seems to be a kind of robot. Apparently he had a short circuit ...


Maybe I could mine this alcoholic crystal with an ax.


Excuse me, but I have to serve my guests.


My child! My poor hungry child! Why you didn't fed my child?


Person1: Lutz??? Hello ??? Are you there?

Person2: Weissenbeck, is that you? I thought you were dead.

Person1: Well, that 's a long story. Where are you?

Person2: I'm staying in the tavern of the Gottswoid-Kuppel.

Person1: Damn! The dome isn't accessible by the gondola lift... I'll have to look for a diving suit.

Person2: I still can't believe it... where have you been all these years?

Person1: I'll tell you everything later. First, I want to leave this asylum.


Priest: And you admit that you spot the work of God and cursed Bavaria?

Man: Yes, I admit.

Priest: So open your arms, my son, and pray to God that he forgives you your sins and frees you from the clutches of Prussians!

Person1: You bastard!

Priest: Who do we have here? Is this someone new?

Person1: Shut up, you crazy asshole!

Priest: You are... different... Confusion. Fear. Anger. I see it in your eyes. You're not from around here... No! Ooooooooh NO!! You're special... you're an angel! Just as prophesized by Ludwig II.

Person1: Where is he?

Priest: He's everywhere! In our hearts... in our minds... EVERYWHERE! Just as God. My son... You were away for long time. It is time that you fulfill your destiny. But which way you will choose? Do you choose the way of ice and let Bavaria rot and die in this sea.... or do you choose the way of fire and burn down our whole city? There is only one way. You have no choice. God has already decided and nothing can change it...

So Bavaria will rot in this sea... Come to me, my son! [OR] So you will burn down Bavaria...

Come to me, my son! Only as true Christian you can fulfill your destiny. You have to be baptized... not with water but with fire! Open your arms and feel the love of God!

Person1: Such an idiot! I still can save Bavaria but at first I have to find Lutz.


They keep us imprisoned here, because we know too much. Without warning they came to the shopping center and did something incomprehensible. They pushed our king up the stairs - like a criminal. I can't believe what I saw.
"Ludwig II is disempowered. " one of the soldiers cried "Now his city is owned by Hugo Meerhofer, our new king. None of you must leave this building until you have been authorized by the Christian-Bavarian-Union. Who opposes this law will be shot immediately."
That was three weeks ago. I'm sure, they won't let us go. No one must know that Ludwig II was imprisoned here. My food supplies run short and I don't know how long I will hold out. I only can daze my senses with alcohol so that i don't think about my poor family. Probably I'll never see her again...

- Marie


Marie is drunken. And she's sad. The key for her locked shop has been stolen by evil demons. The rascals want the other key which Marie has found in the hands of an angel. But they don't know how to get it. Hehe! Only the angels can solve the mystery. They are everywhere, smilingly and silently. Only Marie can see them. At last she can go. Her family is waiting for her.


Ten years ago the King's Council had to argue Ludwig II into improving farmer's rights, supporting inbreeding and sodomy and tightening the laws against parasites. In this year the citizens seem to be happy. Nearly 70% of them vote CBU. One reason could be that witches are burned everywhere because of the Anti-Prussia-Laws, that lad service was launched in schools and that farmers became the most rich group (aside from CBU) in Bavaria because of their breweries. Another reason could be that everybody who has voted CBU got 1000 Gulden.

It remains to be seen how far the conservative King's Council will exert influence on Ludwig II.


Person1: Lutz! Someone has replaced the door to the Gottswoid-Kuppel. I can't open it.

Person2: Yes, the soldiers of Ludwig II did it. I've been trapped here for a long time.

Person1: What? Why should have done Ludwig II such things?

Person2: Well... we had a little disagreement about Bavaria. Maybe you could burst open the

door anyway?

Person1: Yes... of course...


Grandma: Hey you! Someone has to distribute this advertising. You will do that! Go Go Go!!!

Person1: Why!!??

Grandma: I've no time for this idiocy! My stage play is waiting. Simply distribute my advertising and I will give you a key for this door. Answer! Yes or no?

Person1: Alright. That's a fair deal.

Grandma: Start your work! You're wasting my valuable time.


Grandma: Where have you been! And where are my guests?

Person1: Well ... it's not such easy to find someone who's not mentally disturbed.

Grandma: You fiend! You have ruined my whole work! AND YOU HAVE WASTE MY TIME!!


Person 1: Holy sh......Lutz, you're very old, my friend.

Person 2: And you are still young, Weissenbeck. So tell me about what happened.

Person1: A scientist named Dr. Meierhöfer used me as a proband for his beer experiments. I don't know exactly what happened... but somehow I skipped a few years.... which year is it?

Person2: 1925

Person1: 25 years ... I've missed a lot. What happened to Bavaria? What had done this damn Hugo Meerhofer with Bavaria?

Person2: That wasn't Meerhofer... he's dead since four years. The son of Ludwig II did it. He's a murdering psychopath! He has sunk Bavaria in Chiemsee and killed the half population. When I returned with the king to this city, I thought that the king would get back at this bastard. But... he couldn't kill his own son. So we decide to rebuild Bavaria and wean the citizens from the alcohol...

But suddenly Ludwig II command his soldiers to shot every citizen. I don't know why. Even the survivors who were not alcoholics were killed.

Person 1: But why? Bavaria was his dream!

Person 2: I don't know. He has found something in the brewery which has changed him completely. He constantly babbled something about „the second Bavaria in all of us“.

Person1: Okay... the brewery....

Person2: I'm trying to get into the King's house. Ludwig II is planning something big. We'll meet us there later. Good luck!


Ludwig II of Bavaria. He wanted to remain an unending mystery.

With his buildings he created a realm of imagination.

Ludwig II hadn't given up faith to be God's chosen king, who leads Bavaria into the future.

Er will das goldene Zeitalter imperialer Macht wiederbeleben, den Glanz vergangener Königreiche.

He wants to reanimate the golden age of imperial power, the glory of past kingdoms.

The German unification wouldn't be likely prevented by it...

We... we Bavarians want to prevent it.

Well... Why the Bavarian king objects to an united Germany?

There is no longer any room for the Bavarian king.

The material losses will keep us busy for a long time, my ladies and gentlemen.

It's not right!

King Ludwig II hasn't anyone in his surroundings who understands him.

He's very lonely and eaten up with playing vivacious imagination games.

The presence of your Majesty justifies any losses.


Person1: Lutz, listen! The Magic Beer is made of corpses residual alcohol.

Person2: Ugh! That's disgusting.

Person1: No wonder that the alcoholics became mutants. Magic Beer is contaminated.... with cells and genetic material...

Person2: Please go quickly to the King's house! I have to show you something.


Ludwig II: So everything inserts itself together. The lost angel is back.

Person1: You bastard! Why did you do this? You killed all humans which believe in Bavaria!

LudwigII: I have no choice. This city is no longer my Bavaria. It's only a graveyard, rotten and corroded by Prussian parasites. The population is crippled and mental dead. All glorious achievments of the former Bavaria are lost. This city has no future. We have no future... but...

But there are humans outsite which believe in the freedom and independence of Bavaria.

If we sacrifice ourselves, our memories and emotions will pass to them through Magic Beer. This sea will spread Bavaria in the whole world.

Person1: Don't you understand – The Magic Beer is the root of the evil, not Prussians. Magic Beer will make all humans crazy.

LudwigII: It's too late. Alcohol is already flowing into the Chiemsee. Soon Bavaria will be everywhere.

Person1: I will stop it !!!


Ludwig II: I implore you! If you stop me now, Bavaria will never be free! The independence of all Bavarians is more important than this city and more important than all of us. You must stop!

Ludwig II: I don't blame you for your actions. You simply don't know what's going on outsite.

You didn't see how the Bavarian monarchy was destroyed forever. Ask yourself: Do you want to protect the humans which has ruined Bavaria?


Ludwig II: The assassin has overcome my finale defense, and now he's come to destroy Bavaria. At last I want to ask you a question: What seperates a Bavarian from a Prussian?

Bavarians become rich and Prussians stay poor. Why? Because a Prussian wastes his money for weapons and drugs. Only one thing matters for a Bavarian: Himself. But a Prussian is suicidal and sacrifice his own life for other humans. But the most important: A Bavarian only obeys God and a Prussian obeys blindly every command.

Person1: No! I won't allow that all humans become addicted to alcohol, just like I.

Ludwig II: It's too late, Weissenbeck. Alcohol is flowing into the Chiemsee for some years.

Person1: No, that can't be!

Ludwig II: You think you have memories? Your friend Lutz... did he really survive

the civil war? Did he fled with the king from Bavaria or did you fled alone? Did you really saved the king or did he commited suicide in captivity? Is it normal that all Bavarians are strange or do they drink water from the alcohol-contaminated water of the Chiemsee and become drunken?

In the end: Did you drunk Chiemsee-water too and come back to Bavaria because you couldn't bear that all alcohol disappears in the sea? Accept it to be an alcoholic. You live in an illusory world. Do you really want to become such a drunken animal like the others?


Seems like some poor blighters have started seeing ghosts. Ghosts! Meerhofer tells me it's a side effect of this Magic Beer business. One poor sod's memories getting passed on to another through genetic contaminations in Magic Beers. Falling houses. Lunatics. Rebellion. And now bleeding ghosts. Ain't life in Bavaria grand?


Story: We go back to the year 1900. The airborne city of Bavaria is at civil war, the population demoralized through excessive alcoholism and the king has disappeared without trace. Michael Weissebeck, a citizen, believe in Bavaria's future. But when he woke up 25 years later, he discover a city, occupied by mutants and lost in Chiemsee.

playtime: 1-2 hours


Arrow keys: Movement

Enter: Use object

ESC: Cancel / Menu

You should save as much as possible on different save slots, so that you can load a older file when something goes wrong.

Known errors: If your character moves in one direction the whole time, you'll have to restart your PC to fix this problem. It's an rare, not permanent error.
